Monday, May 2, 2016

Accepting My Divine Assignment: I Am A Teacher

Two years ago, my grandfather made his transition to heaven. He was forever united with my grandmother. Dziadzia and Babcia, the conditional love that they were, both individually and as a sacred union, were together again. On the surface, May 2nd was a "sad day." There is truth to that. One cannot deny the human side, expressing your emotions and feeling your feelings. But from even the most difficult storms, tragedies, and or trauma, some of the most blessed miracles in our life can be revealed.

You see, I always wanted to be a teacher. I knew, in divine timing, the message of "My Empowering Miracle" would be turned into a book, however that looked, whenever that happened. I knew that I would be spreading my love, speaking my truth, and sharing my ideas all across the globe, however that looked, whenever that happened. God knew that. Spirit knew that. The Universe knew that. My grandfather knew that. And yes, so did my grandmother.

So, I was given an assignment from heaven, one my soul and higher self told me that was a "requirement," no questions asked. I was given the opportunity to have an essential component in my healing begin to take place today, May 2nd. No coincidence. There is no such thing as coincidences.

I was being given the chance to learn how to have fun. Yes, I know that way look foolish when you read this status update, but somewhere along the way, I forgot how to. I was being given the chance to learn to ground, something I felt always escaped me and seemed so difficult. I was also being the chance to spend time reconnecting with my inner child, showing love and forgiveness to the little me that still resides within. I was being given the chance to be introduced to a setting that I will be finding myself in very soon. And yes, I was being given the chance to spread my love, speak my truth, and sharing my quite a unique, yet profoundly beautiful way.

Even though we are all students and teachers here on Earth School, I took the next step today...and became one in the Earthly realm: an After School Teacher at a local child and adult care facility here in the Buffalo area.

Today, I was called "Mr. John." Today, I helped the children make special bracelets. I even made one for myself, made of hearts, as you see above. One of the little dudes in my class was playing with a Rey Mysterio action figure. Imagine that? Thus, I shared with him how I hosted a wrestling radio show. Yep, even when I try to "get away" from wrestling, it always finds a way to remind me to say "Thank You" to it. I even told the kids that, before they went to sleep tonight, to tell themselves out loud one thing that he/she loved about themselves.

One year ago, my life may have looked like it was about to fall apart: spiritually, physically, personally, professionally, and financially. Fast forward one year later: Things are completely different. I am blessed to be working alongside several beautiful and talented lightworkers through Empowered by John, my health has continued to improve (with the intention set for the next levels of perfect health already being placed out to the Universe), my connection with God, Spirit, and my angels is the strongest it's ever been, and this wonderful new position of service to humanity.

Do I have all the answers? No. Do I have a laundry list of questions? Damn straight I do. smile emoticon But last night, I told my higher self and my grandmother that I was truly ready to be happy, to have fun, and to live my life. No quantification. No finding out how. No searching on how to do that. Just being. Being the love that I am wherever I am.

So who knows what else I will learn in this magical adventure. Maybe some field trips to the museum or the zoo. Maybe recreating the Yoo-Hoo playground scene from Adam Sandler's Big Daddy. Maybe a board game or two. Maybe I'll even teach the kids what "Namaste" means.

Quite honestly: I don't care to know, even if someone told me how the whole thing will go down. I allow myself to receive every moment of this experience with unconditional love, grace, and dignity, knowing that my health, my wealth, my inner child, and the 34-year-old me in this moment is and will continue to receive healing energies beyond definition as a result of this divine assignment.

Thank you Dziadzia. Thank you Babcia. I am indeed one step closer to honoring my promises to the both of you I made before you both transitioned. Thank you for giving me the the strength in my heart and in the mind, to allow me to see the truth of why I was meant to be here. From this, only good is coming. All is well. All will continue to be well. Miracles are wonders are not only on their way, but

"Mr. John": After School Teacher Of Love & Forgiveness

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