Monday, March 28, 2016

Unwavering Faith

There has been quite a lot that has been unfolding in my life over these past several weeks. I have been doing my part to release the need to place a label on anything and to be in a full state of observance and allowance during this time, while simultaneously sending love to every part of my being, including my ego. It's true: Sometimes loving yourself unconditionally can seem like a full-time job in itself. The "practice" may seem like work at times. It's worth it though. You are worth it. It is very important to give yourself that tenderness.

For many of us, the energies of March have seemed intense, beautiful, and a little bit of everything in between. No matter where you are on your own journey in this moment, it may even seem like your faith is being put into question. On the surface, it could look like God is throwing not only the kitchen sink at you right now, but also the microwave, the dishes, and pretty much everything else you could possibly find in your kitchen. It may look like you are being "tested" in several different ways: personally, professionally, financially, physically, and even spiritually. 

I recently had a dear friend of mine who was navigating her own experience during Eclipse Season. She asked me a question that I really had to let sink in for a bit. Normally, after years of conditioning, my response to someone's question before he/she completed their sentence. As I have humbly been learning the art of active listening, I not only wanted to respect her energies, as well as my own, but also let my soul process this deep question: "What is the key to your unwavering faith?"

Had I penned this blog one year ago or even just a few months ago, my reply from a space of victim consciousness. It would have come across like I was rattling off all the things that happened "to me" and how I "overcame" each and every one. Coming clean: I was addicted to drama...and I didn't even know it. I am very glad that I was willing to make a shift in this limited belief, which was a outdated multi-generational mindset. 

You see: It's very easy to see yourself as your "story." But, when you get to a point in your spiritual awakening that you realize you are not your "story," that you are not your thoughts, your words, your actions, your acquisitions, your achievements, your titles, the money you have, your following on social media, and a laundry list of other things your ego wants you to think you are, your life as you know it takes on a new meaning. As Wayne Dyer says so beautifully: "If you change the way you look at things, the things you see change." The way you look at faith can transform. My perspective did.

So, I asked myself that very question: "John, what is the key to your unwavering faith?" 

Nearly 10 months ago to the day where my empowering miracle was revealed, I found myself at the cemetery where my grandmother and grandfather were buried, right across the street where life-altering news was revealed to me. My soul knew right where to go. It always does. While holding onto their tombstone, I looked up to heaven, and surrendered everything. I felt the presence of my grandmother, maybe more than anytime when she was here in the physical realm. I heard the following words from Spirit: "Your life is not in danger. Your health is not at risk. You are going to have the greatest health in your life. Your finances will be taken care of. And your medical bills will be taken care of." That was divine guidance. Guidance that I could not question or overthink.

Now, there's a difference between saying you are going to surrender and being in the surrender itself. Over those 10 months, there have been dozens of times when things, on the surface, looked quite interesting. As Hay House's Mike Dooley refers to "the cursed hows." How would this be taken care of? How would that be taken care of. Sprinkle in the aforementioned victim consciousness and it's favorite word "Why?" Why this? What that? Why now?

I had known that my body and soul were merging together, after the profound soul growth I had experienced over the past five years. I had also begun to see glimpses of my future, including that of my family (my significant other and my son), living in California, international speaking and teaching, in addition to helping humanity around the world. 

After seeing so much and after becoming more in tune with my own emotions, feelings, and vulnerability, along with those I came in contact with, I knew there was more to my life and for my life. It was simply a matter of trusting the process, knowing that I was fully guided and supported, and acknowledging the love that I was, am, and will forever be, that very same love that surrounds me at all times. It was a matter of trust.  

You see, it all begins with positive words. But, without an emotion, a belief in those words, those are just words. When you have a passion in those words, then those very positive words transform to hope, the next component. When you believe in yourself enough, when you believe in the truth that you are destined for so much more, while knowing God and your angels have your back, that hope morphs into faith. Faith is powerful. One of the most poignant references from the Bible refers to being able to move mountains by having faith as small as a mustard seed. 

It had taken me several years. I long since had the positive words, but just didn't believe in myself, in my own unconditional love. I found that by reconnecting with God, by turning inward to my inner child, and by uniting with the power of intention. The hope followed. Then, the faith. On June 3, 2015, I was provided an inner knowing from the divine. 

Over the past year, I observed. I watched. I can admit, sometimes I threw myself off track. I got in my own way. I wanted to control. I began realizing those old default mechanisms wouldn't work anymore. I even learned that it's necessary to "surrender within the surrender." By releasing how I wanted things to happen, by letting go of my fear, one thing at a time managed to work itself out, many of those things even better than I expected. 

Whether you are religious, spiritual, a combination of both, or neither, there's a common thread among each one of us, as we navigate our own path: Everything always works out. It always does. Maybe not the way you "drew it up." But, things always work out. 

I could've included any/all of this in my response to my friend's question...and then some. However, one of the most amazing things that I have recently learned on my journey is that less really is more, a huge shift in what I had previously believed. That the answers you are seeking are indeed found in the sounds of silence. And that some things are best felt vs. said. 

"John, what is the key to your unwavering faith?" 


With all the love I possess, I remain yours God.

Your humble and loving son,

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