Monday, January 18, 2016

It's OK To Be Vulnerable

It is a wonderful blessing to have begun to truly honor my boundaries just a few short days ago, separating my personal life from my professional life. Without judgment on this, I was shown one of my deeply-entrenched thought processes and patterns over this past weekend. Leave it to Mercury Retrograde for this to be revealed. These intervals that happen 3-4 times per year give us the opportunity to review and reassess what is working and what isn't. And if you are not able to have your higher self show you what no longer serves you, leave it to one of your relationships, which are your greatest teachers, to let you observe this.

This may be a bitter pill to swallow if you are operating your life from a place of fear. The ego may want you to believe that you are "broke," that you have this laundry list of things that need to be fixed. In spiritual truth, these this old way of thinking simply was a form of protection for you. These patterns were your "default programming," so you could continue to operate your life and your interactions in the best way you knew how. 

Despite how this may feel on the inside, especially when you are navigating your own spiritual journey, you are being given the opportunities to learn and grow. That's why we are all here, right So, yes, there's a reason I mention this to begin this blog.

If you have been following my personal journey and spiritual awakening, you may realize that this blog looks a little bit different. For a little over one year, I took the time to blog on my business website, Empowered by John. You may ask yourself, "John: What does this have to do with the price of tea in China?" Well, on a conscious level, I was unaware of the fact that I was mixing my personal life and spiritual beliefs with my business life. 

I wish to say that there's nothing inherently "wrong" with that, meshing your personal and professional lives, along with your spirituality, to some extent. It's important for you to express yourself and to speak your truth. For many lightworkers, that is the case. I too infuse unconditional love, compassion, kindness, and honesty wherever I go in my life now, whether it be hanging out with a friend or speaking to a client. If anything, I just want everyone to be OK and to feel special.

There does come a point on your path, however, where you have to instill some boundaries, in order to keep a healthy balance for the mind, for your heart, and for your soul. If you do not have boundaries set in your own life, that will eventually spill over to where you do not honor the boundaries of someone you are collaborating with for the greater good. By maintaining these boundaries, you will be able to receive messages of guidance from your higher self even clearer, because you are honoring your own energies and the energies of those you work alongside. 

So instead of "keeping this inside," bottled up if you will, I felt called and guided to share this with you, in hopes that you too can experience the growth that your soul wants and deserves in this new year. "It's OK to be vulnerable."

I will come clean. One of the earliest teachers I had on my spiritual journey, Joanie Eisinger, had told me that one of the main reasons I came here, a large part of my soul's purpose here on Earth, was to "master my emotions." When she first told me that several years ago, I had no idea of the true beauty and magnificence of this, because I thought "mastering my emotions" was virtually impossible. 

Until last summer, the movie that was running though the mind for decades was to suppress my emotions. Yes: I was afraid to express how I truly felt, mainly because I wanted to wanted to "keep the peace" wherever I went. I wanted the other person or group of people to be happy before I was happy, even if it came at my own personal expense. I was scared of feeling my feelings, thinking in some way the would hurt me. You can see a running pattern from this. I was allowing my ego to hold me hostage, to keep me in "victim mode." My soul wanted to be happy, to be empowered...and to teach others the importance of loving themselves so they too can see they are a part of the Divine, that they too are unconditional love. I had made a promise to my grandmother in the hospital right before she transitioned in August 2013: that I would indeed "break free from this." I had realized that the word "this" meant the years of conditioning, beliefs, limited mindsets, and all parts of that outdated film. All happens in divine timing, and this would be no exception. Through the miracle that my grandmother revealed to me last June, I was going to be able to set my soul free, to be the light that I always was, to expand and grow in ways I never thought possible, and to fulfill what I was meant to do here. I knew I could now take control by surrendering the control of this and the rest of my life to God and my angels. 

Shortly before the holidays, there was a beautiful soul that happened to come into my life, whom I was truly grateful for. She was an empowered lightworker in her own right, helping, healing, inspiring, and serving others in the way she felt guided to do so. We connected on a deep soul level, maybe more than any connection that I have ever experienced to this moment in time. There were things we knew about how one another were feeling, even without knowing all of the details and the day-to-day activities of each others' lives. This really is possible when you have a soul connection. Someone such as this you met before, in a past/parallel life, and you probably had a profound impact on each other at that point as well, maybe even on a higher level. 

As you take the time to love and treasure yourself each and every day, deep down you know that there will come a time where God will reveal whom you wish to spend the rest of your days with here on Earth, the time when two souls become one, when the love you feel in every cell of your being is shown to you in the form of another. Through the divine synchronicities that I was seeing, the energies I was feeling, and through guidance I was receiving, I honestly felt, in my heart, that all of this was being revealed to me. With even having my son's name downloaded during this time, I could not dismiss that as a coincidence. There is no such thing as a coincidence. 

My soul brother, Radoslaw Swarovski, can best put into words what I, along with many of you may feel when someone or something absolutely amazing is placed into your life, something or someone indescribably awesome that you feel will make your life complete. "We often want it so badly that we ruin it before it begins. Overthinking, fantasizing, expecting, doubting. Just let it naturally evolve."

The only person, place, or thing that can complete you is YOU. That is the primary purpose of your navigation of self-love. It sometimes takes a certain relationship or experience to remind us of this, no matter where we are on our individual paths, no matter how "enlightened" we think we may be, no matter how many of Wayne Dyer or Deepak Chopra books you have read. There is this little thing called BEING HUMAN that leads us to beating ourselves up for "making the same mistake again," in whatever form it presented itself. Let me ask you this: Would you chastise yourself in any way if you viewed your inner child as a Care Bear? Or would you hug yourself as often as possible, realizing that you are your best friend (besides your connection to God and the Universe) and your #1 cuddle buddy. 

In the first 2 1/2 weeks of 2016, there has been much that has come to the surface for healing. Old wounds you thought were fully healed from your past may have been presented to you in an interesting way. The best-selling author of the Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast, Elizabeth Peru, has pointed out that we, individually and collectively, are releasing lifetimes of connections right now and leading into this upcoming weekend's Full Moon. I couldn't agree any more. My dear friend and soul sister in Australia, Morgan, shared with me the deep insights from her soul on how the month of January has unfolded on a collective level to me on Facebook: "We are just doing some massive clearing at the moment, emptying out in order to receive the huge influxes coming again soon. Becoming empty vessels release lower vibrations, creating space for more love." So yes, you may feel tired, anxious, or yes...even empty. That word, empty, can look scary on the surface. Your ego may want you to think the worst, that something bad is happening, that something is wrong with you. Take solace on this. There is nothing to be afraid of. There is nothing wrong with you at all. As one of my favorite spiritual teachers, the 13th-century Persian poet, scholar, theologian, and Sufi mystic, Rumi, says "What a relief to be empty. Then God can live your life."

My heart was recently cracked open to a level of vulnerability I never thought was possible. My ego wanted to return to the "Wounded John" and dwell in that space, but my soul could not do that. Instead, I am choosing to thank that person, that divine light, that beautiful soul, for helping me to tune into a deeper sense of my being, to express my emotion and feel my feelings, and to be a mirror of the unconditional love that I am right now in this moment. She was one of my greatest teachers in this lifetime. How could I be angry at myself, at her, or at how any of this unfolded when I look at it from the perspective of my higher self. I'll admit it took me a few days, but now, I have said "Thank You" to God for her, remembered the blessing, learned from the life lesson, released, and moved on.

You are always being led to what and whom is truly meant for you in your life. As you release people, relationships, things, mindsets, and anything else that does not serve where you are at in this present moment, you allow yourself to move higher and higher on the spiritual staircase to heaven. You become lighter. And when your frequencies embody light, you vibrate with higher energies. The people that come into your life will match your vibrations. So if a personal or professional relationship doesn't turn out how you thought, know that the Universe has a greater plan for you. In the meanwhile, give your glimpses to God, and trust that those very glimpses will materialize in perfect and divine order. All really is well and will continue to be for you, for all of us, as we walk each other home.

I hope this blog has helped, healed, inspired, or served you in some way, showing you that you are whole, healthy, and complete just the way you are. And that it is OK to be vulnerable. My brothers and fellow "dudes" out there: You included on this one.

I look forward to hearing any comments and our healthy feedback from you as I officially begin this new and exciting venture. Someday, in that very divine timing, the journals that I have kept will become the contents for the book of the same name of this blog "My Empowering Miracle." I surrender how and when that happens to my grandmother and to God. I know they have my back on this.

I choose to end this blog and each and every one of my blogs moving forward with the most beautiful ending to a letter I have ever heard in my life (courtesy of the Heath Ledger classic, "A Knight's Tale"), combined with my own authenticity and unconditional love.

With all the love I possess, I remain yours God.

Your humble and loving son,


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